xxxxSeneca Gems 1999






Personal Stories




  • We don't want to have the attitude of hearers but the attitude of doers.
  • We can have confidence in...
    • ...the fact that God's work is going to continue in his people until Jesus returns.
    • ...the fact that persecution would only enhance the gospel.
    • ...the goal.
  • We should not have confidence in our flesh.
  • It is wonderful when the things we want are the things we need.
  • If God knows what we need, why do we need to tell Him those things?  It is for have faith, patience, and humility.  God knows we need to read and pray, but it is up to us to do those things and ask him for help.
  • Convention is all about Jesus.  It is a wonderful place to rest and to fight our battles.
  • God has taken everything we need and has given them a name.  The name is Jesus.
  • We are not sharing in something earthy.  It is something from heaven.
  • God has put something in us that has drawn us together.  We are partaking in something that only God can produce.
  • Glory is a situation of intense satisfaction.
  • Sometimes we need a reality look at things the way they really are.
  • Fantasies are not dangerous until we start to believe them.
  • Often, people try to make a name for themselves.  We need to remember that our name is of God.
  • It hurts the heart of God if we are not thankful for all that He has done for us.
  • If we are ungodly but believe, God will count us as righteous because of our faith.
  • In a group of people, Jesus focuses on the greatest need.
  • The seventh day for God was the first day for man.  Our first day is a day of rest.
  • We need to give God an empty slate (instead of one full of what we want/need) and He will let us know what he wants.
  • Jesus knew how to forget himself and give himself.
  • There is no one else besides Jesus who can pay the ransom for our souls.
  • When we have a struggle, God wants us to cry, to be little, and be teachable.
  • We can't expect everyone else to be an example to us.
  • Eventually, after the seed is sown, growth will come.
  • What we need to do in life is find Jesus.
  • There is only so much satisfaction you can get out of life.
  • We have to seek God before we can decide to believe or not.
  • When we are trying to take in the Lord and figure Him out, He is doing the same to us.
  • After finding Jesus, we need to follow Him.  Following Him could be one of our greatest privileges.
  • We could never find a better shepard than the one we have now.
  • One soul is worth more than all this world contains.
  • We not ever going to understand everything.  We just need to know enough.
  • God was careful to start His plan right so that it will end right.  We will be right if we are a part of it.
  • Life has a special meaning if we are living for God.
  • If you are wondering about anything, just remember that God loves you.
  • We are no more than our influence.
  • We don't want to serve with the attitude "What do I have to do?" but with the attitude "What can I do?"
  • Don't fear men: they can only kill the body...and that will only get us to God faster.
  • We can't die in peace unless we live in peace.
  • We can make the choice, but we can not choose the results of the choice.
  • We don't want to do good things for attention.
  • Jesus is the only one that we can go to for help.  He can do something for us.
  • The most precious part of our inheritence is fellowship with God and His son.  We have already recieved this.
  • When we think of the future, we should start with eternity and if we will or will not be with God.
  • It would bring us great joy to hear God say to us "You've done well."
  • It means so much to us to know that someone is praying for us.
  • Not only do we have priviledges, but also pray, to labor, to do our part.
  • We don't want to examine other people, but to examine ourselves.
  • The end of something can be better than the beginning.  When we leave convention, we are better than when we arrived.  Harvesting is better than planting because there is fruit.
  • While on this earth, we need to be adding to this way.
  • God has made this way easy enough that anyone can walk in it, but hard enough that only the best make it to the end.