Collection of Thoughts
This is a collection of just various short thoughts.
»Given to me by Eva Myers, as spoken by David Bergh...When we get smacked on the cheek, it hurts on one side.  That "side" is our human side.  But if we show to the "smacker" the side that is not hurt, we are showing him our Christ-like side.
»Casual reading (no mediation) and casual praying (no seeking) lead to casualties.
»Very few people in the world today even think of God every day; even fewer pray to God; but those who wait on Him, He knows by name.
»"You just have to keep true today." - Ruth Nelson  - A true example and encouragement to me.  Thank you.
»Lord, give me eyes that I may see,
Lest I, as people will,
Should pass by someone's Calvary,
And think it just a hill.
»Prayer doesn't prepare us for battle, it is the battle.
»When we are praying it is hard to criticize.
»Pray with desperation; fight with determination; serve without reservation.
»Put a praying person in an impossible position, and he will come out a victor with a song.
»When you pray, pray--the devil would like to sow other thoughts.
»Before you left your room this morning, did you think to pray?
»Prayers of righteous people keep God's servants where they are.
»Prayer is like dressing and reading is like eating; we can go without eating--we only rob ourselves, but we would not think of going out without dressing.
»We know not what we should pray for as we ought to pray.  It is our feeling of need and desperate weakness that appeals to God, not our words.
»In the morning, we need to be begging for His spirit & in the evening pleading for His forgiveness.
»In Ecclesiastes, it mentions a time for many things, but not for prayer--we must make time for prayer.
»When we are unable to stand, it is because we haven't been able to kneel.
»Things we live for determine what we pray for.  Our lives give meaning to the words we pray.
»If we would worship while we wait, we would not complain of waiting.
»If we pray for the harvest field, it will help us have a heart of compassion.
»Watching makes it easier to pray & praying makes it easier to watch.  It is useless to fight without praying, but it is useless, too, to pray without fighting.
»It's easy to tell the toiler,
How to carry his pack,
But no one can rate the burdens weight,
Until he has it on his back.
»Miracles are always on the other side of faith and obedience.
»The sweeter our fellowship with God, the sweeter our fellowship with one another.
»Satan is very clever at making important things seem trivial and trivial things seem important.
»Judas began to look lightly on sacrifice.
»We cannot make a poor trade when trading for eternal things.
»We don't own our lives, we owe them.
»Time will always expose our purpose.
»God gives us faith and He wants us to give Him faithfulness in return.
»Seven prayerless days makes one weak.
»What we ARE is God's gift to us.  What we BECOME is our gift to God.
»Tears alone will never bring change, but change will sometimes bring tears.
»Where we don't get the victory, we are servants to the enemy.
»God's people have joy while the world has fun.
»You can count the seeds in an apple but not the apples in a seed!
»We must all feed our own soul.
»True forgiveness: To recall without resentment!
»Prayer should be the key of the day and the lock of the night.
»In the years of His saints, God sees a rainbow.
»All spirits of men will go back to God but not all spirits of men will dwell with God.
»Prayer changes people.  When we pray for someone it changes out attitude toward them.
»A nation Will come at us from one way or another!  Go to battle!  Destroy them!  It's a daily choice! - 1) Imagination    2) Fascination  3) Condemnation  4) Abomination  5) Indignation  6) Stagnation and 7) Procrastination.
»"I have never received so much from one convention.  My cup ran over so much I had to go get a bigger one...and it ran over too!"
»"Can you imagine what it is like for look down and see the world today, all the sin, all the hell on earth...and among it all is a minority...his own true people....serving him to the end...remaining faithful...and if I were him, my eyes would flood with tears."

He who loses money loses much;
He who loses a friend loses more;
He who loses faith loses all.

»"Thank You"
